My Name Personality Type

Describing Yourself
 I feel like this describes me right on. It talks about how we are outgoing, friendly, and accepting. I am outgoing to others and friendly with make new friends. I enjoy accepting new things and new concepts. Another piece it talks about is learns the best by trying a new skill with others. This is probably the most that shows my personality because I enjoy going and having fun with others. Finally, I love experiencing new things with other people at the same time.
My personality type helps me better understand why I am the way I am. I am good at making friends and am open to being friendly to others. I also am very caring for other and myself. Another personality trait that describes me is I'm very loyal. I am loyal to my teachers, friends, and family. In conclusion, I enjoy being around others and making new friends.
 Personality Role
My personality role in my family helps out our family in couple of ways. Everyone in my family gives a part into our family as a whole. I contribute my friendliness, out-goingness, and caring personality role to my family. In my golden retriever role comes into play, it helps in a group project when all of us don't know each other because I am good a making new friends and I'm out-going. When it doesn't work, I try and just talk it out and make people happy.
In the past, people could of saw me as a different person. They might of thought of different personality trait. My mom might get a little mad a me when I show a different personality trait. It happens when I can become a little snappy or upset with something that I don't like. Also if I am having a bad day, my personality can come out badly and I can rub it onto other people. I can also take my bad personality out on other people which has ended bad somedays. I then go and tell them sorry because thats just my personality after I do something bad.
