How to Print a Document

In e9, we created a video on how to print a document. While making this video it involved many different steps to create this one video. First we got our groups that we worked with throughout the whole project. During the project, I had different roles throughout the process. The first role I had was to sketch out a rough draft of what we were wanting to film. After that, we went to the library and took pictures of the different shots we wanted to film on filming day. Then on filming day, I was the main lead role in the whole video. We did come to some road blocks. We thought we got everything in the video on filming day but we didn't. While I was editing my video I realized that our story line didn't make quite sense. We forgot to film me walking to sit down at a computer and me opening up Microsoft Word. I  then had to wear the same clothes the day we decided to go film again. So then we went back to the library and took those shots. Next time on filming day, I feel that we should go through what we filmed to double check our story line makes sense. Also so we have everything we wanted to film so we don't have to go back and film again. Finally, we didn't argue at all throughout the whole filming process. We all really helped each other out and were positive throughout it all. Also the other two people in our group took turns filming. The person who wasn't filming helped me figure out where to walk and to make sure it all looked good. I had a good first experience for my first video in e9.
